Monday 18 August 2014

Let the crap fall...

Once in a while (okay, a LOT in a while), people go out of their way to ruin your day.

Perhaps my head has fallen out of the clouds for a moment, as I have noticed this far too frequently as of late. Something in the stars perhaps? I don't know. All I do know, is that it is really, really, annoying (and hurtful).

I'm sure I ruin my kids days and sometimes my husband's beautiful day once in a while, and for that I am sorry. It absolutely sucks to have your perfectly great mood ruined. It can set your entire day on the wrong course.

I  love my family (number 1 on my favourite people and best friends list!), and the other day my daughter shushed me when I was singing. That stung and I felt my beautiful soul cringe and tuck itself away in a corner. My day was suddenly a bad day as my beloved daughter carried on after the initial shushing and told me I was annoying and to stop ruining songs by singing. NOW, I am not a fabulous songstress, even with my many years of musical training, but it brings me joy. It is one of my favourite things! I don't do it in public as I am well aware of my talents, or lack thereof (unless I am dared because a karaoke machine is nearby. I can't pass up a dare that involves me potentially embarrassing myself in front of a crowd...brings out the comedian in me).

Today, I had a beautiful day at a local zoo with my daughter (a far cry from the singing incedent in the car). I posted a picture on a site in which friends and acquaintances can see. Suddenly, a sad face appeared in the comment section. The picture was of my daughter (who is very tall) and a giraffe. It was titled 2 Giraffes. It was a lovely shot, my camera skills are improving, I was happy!

...and then the comments on how the animal is out of it's natural habitat and shouldn't be in Canada during winter etc., etc., began.  The zoo I was at is a rescue for ailing and abandoned animals. They may be out of their natural habitat, but they are cared for and well-fed. The point is; I don't always want an opinion. Sometimes, I just want to enjoy my day and take a picture of my gorgeous daughter without hearing about the politics of Zoo's. Sometimes, you just want to go and look at beautiful animals, because, well, they are there, they need to be fed (admission supports that), and well, I just can't afford a fucking plane ticket to Africa at the moment. Also, there are no poachers at the zoo that want to eat the monkey's paws or kill the nearly extinct animals because that makes them more exotic and gives them a higher price for people that care only about money and trophies. The zoo I was at has been successful in reproduction of animals hovering low on the numbers scale, which is usually a sign of health and well-being. Do I love zoo's (and circuses while we're on the topic), no. I don't. I have never taken my children to Sea World because I know the animals aren't happy there. I have watched Black Fish and Sharkwater. I love animals. Which is why I go to places that rescue them.

I don't eat certain brands of meat of from various fast food joints because they have been caught abusing animals. I support PETA to the best of my ability, I support dog (and cat and fish and hamster and guinea pig and bunny and horse) ownership, I support musicians. That doesn't mean I don't have pets (sort of like a zoo if you want to get right down to the dirt of it all) and it doesn't mean I don't like going to concerts. I'd love to be vegan except I can't digest legumes or most fruits and vegetables. So, I eat meat, I own pets, I go to concerts and I support the local rescue zoo once every decade (<---- that's riiiiight, decade).

Anyway, I digress. I was having a lovely day, posted a beautiful picture of my daughter and someone decided to ruin it. I was having a lovely day, singing in the car, and someone decided to ruin it.

Daydreamers are very sensitive. I am very sensitive. While I do yell at the kids, try to 'assist' them in making wise life choices and piss the hubster off once in a while, I certainly don't go out of my way to do so. In fact, I usually make it a daily goal to make people smile. ALL DAY.

The older I get, the more I realize how difficult life can be, the curve-balls it can throw in your direction (and hit you square in the face), and how important it is to go out of your way to make people smile, or enjoy their silliness and to let them just be themselves, no matter how it might irk you at the moment.

All humans have opinions, we think, we were blessed with having our own ideas and voices. We were also blessed with thinking first before we speak and biting our tongue when it's called for. In this we fail. More often than not. (I am, quite literally, failing right now as I type my words and open the tap "Filter OFF!").

You don't have to agree with me, you don't have to like what I say, how I sing, or what I do... I'm getting to the age where I don't really care what you think. I am at the age where I will sing poorly in my home or car as often and as loudly as I want, because it brings me joy. I am getting to the age where I go to the local rescue zoo because I WANT to. I want to help feed the beautiful animals, I WANT to enjoy what precious time I have with my beautiful children.

I'm not hurting you, in fact, I'm not hurting anyone. I support ethical treatment of all animals and children. I realize how swiftly life passes. I am a good person that goes out of her way to bring joy to others. So please, don't go out of your way to hurt me. My soul is tired of being told how to behave and to go cringe in a corner when it was free and happy.

Let me sing! You might have a great laugh (very high on the 'likely' list). Appreciate that the picture you saw was to capture a moment with my beautiful, teenage, gazelle and in lieu of being political, perhaps, oh I don't know...comment on how lovely my daughter is.

Be kind, be thoughtful, be aware that more often than not, you haven't a clue on behind the scenes stresses happening in others lives, and to appreciate instead of berate the beautiful moments others have felt safe to share with you.

PS. This is how 'at home' the animals were today: Monkey...watching the crowd, then masturbating FOR the crowd. Jaguars...mating in front of everyone. Baboon...full-on erection while chasing the female baboon around. Good times. Very educational.

2 Giraffes

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